luring and surrounding…
watermarks in handmade paper…
pools of printed pattern…
hundreds of feet of printed waves…
as if the ocean flooded our home…
being swept away by the sea of life…
stewing on domestic objects…
began with an obsession…
washed up, pooling…
tea seedlings floating…
a conversation about cash crops
inspired by traditional cobalt tableware
appropriated images from kid’s books
falling and breaking…
Showcases the dining table as the platform for both destruction and redemption.
“Music for Teacups” is a guttural release from the rigidity of etiquette practices.
relishing in the moment before climax…
…captures the beauty of the Homer Laughlin dump
The couple stacked them higher and higher–until all the china was broken.
Handmade paper from vintage linens.
Inheritance indulges in multi-color screen print and your favorite cups.
wood engravings cut at Artspace India in Kolkata
she prepares for “battle”…
… if I had been raised using fine bone china daily.
An assortment of print experiments…