Choose Your Weapon

"Indentured Threats", porcelain & aluminum rod, 50 pieces 42" long, 100 pieces 24" long, 2005

“Indentured Threats”, porcelain & aluminum rod, 50 pieces 42″ long, 100 pieces 24″ long, 2005

The following images are from the body of work, Choose Your Weapon, a combination of sculptural objects and charcoal drawings.  Within this body of work, I converted objects into weapons or armor for use in battles between the classes and sexes. Employing scale-change and placement as significant devices, larger-than-life sewing pins challenge the viewer to have a perceptual shift. You are invited to rethink how you relate to these everyday objects. The pins lose their intimate association and take on a menacing quality. The drawings included in the project depict a woman trying to protect herself from the world, with the only items at her disposal: a string of pearls, china platters and teacups, hankies, and assorted garments. She becomes Tweedledee or Tweedledum, foolishly strapping all her useless possessions to her as she prepares for “battle”.

"seem stress", porcelain, velvet, & aluminum rod, 15’ x 8’ x 1.5’, 2007 & "Coat of Arms", charcoal on paper, 57” x 40”, 2005

“seem stress”, porcelain, velvet, & aluminum rod, 15’ x 8’ x 1.5’, 2007 & “Coat of Arms”, charcoal on paper, 57” x 40”, 2005

"Choose Your Weapon", installation, 2006

“Choose Your Weapon”, installation, 2006